Reverse Engineering of Motorcycle Parts


Teciman performs a project of Engineering Inversa of motorcycle spare parts for a leading company in the marketing of motorcycle parts and maintenance. In order to scan and manufacture some discontinued spare parts. 

First of all, the client He goes to Téciman with the need to manufacture parts without none flat. Due to high demand for some spare parts, stock depletion and the lack of original drawings for discontinued items. 

He technical team Téciman advises the client on this reverse engineering and the following action plan is agreed and executed:

  • Extract the point clouds scanning spare parts using an articulated arm with a 3D scanner and PolyWorks Inspector software, obtaining a file .stl.
  • Get 3D model from the .stl file with the software PolyWorks Modeler calculating the different geometric elements from the meshes, to create a file .step.
  • Create the manufacturing plans, in this case using the Inventor software.


This Reverse Engineering project of motorcycle spare parts is carried out between two of the areas of Téciman: Metrology performing 3D scanning, and Design and Simulation for the generation of the 3D model and manufacturing plans.

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