Implementation of a Quality Plan in Southeast Asia

quality - téciman

Teciman moves to Southeast Asia for the Transfer and implementation of the Quality Plan with a European leader in plastic and decorative parts for the automotive industry (OEM and TIER 1).


Quality Plan – transfer and implementation

Our engineers accompany the client to their plants in Vietnam and Thailand to establish the Previously defined quality criteria at the headquarters in Spain. The procedure is as follows:

1. Ensure compliance with the objectives of each region

During the project, thorough monitoring is carried out to ensure compliance with the specific objectives of each regionThis supervision ensures that all areas involved are aligned with the established goals.

2. Development of Quality Strategies

Various diagnoses are carried out and developed Quality StrategiesThese diagnoses allow us to identify areas for improvement and opportunities to optimize processes and products, while quality strategies focus on implementing best practices to achieve standards of excellence.

3. Monitoring compliance with corporate processes

Supervision also includes monitoring of the compliance with corporate processesThis involves establishing clear criteria for action, providing detailed instructions and collaborating in the creation and updating of operating procedures. The aim is to ensure that processes are consistent and efficient across all regions.

4. Investment proposals

We carry out the analysis and proposal of possible investments, determining their viability and the potential benefits they can provide.

5. Proposals for improvement

Finally, all the improvement proposals identified during the project They move to the Corporate Quality ManagementThese proposals not only seek to improve operations within the specific project region, but are also considered scalable to other regions.


Achievements obtained by Téciman

  • The Implementation of new internal KPIs and a new communication and monitoring system.
  • Strengthening the Quality structure establishing: Training, Roles and Responsibilities in addition to a functional and hierarchical direction.


Téciman has Extensive experience accompanying clients in the Projects from its headquarters international providing the skills, knowledge and languages required in each case.

For more information about our experiences in quality issues, consult our web, call us at 947 20 91 41 or send an email to Follow us on LinkedIn to find out all the news.

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