New FEM calculation project for a frame


Teciman develops a project of finite element calculation of a frame for an engineering company specialized in the design of metal structures.

The company requires a stress report to verify that the element complies with the technical specifications requested by its client. This analysis must be carried out by a third party to ensure the neutrality of the same.

Project phases:

The FEM calculation project begins with the definition of simplifications to be carried out since it is a complex system with bolted joints, bearings, axles, etc.

With this the Téciman engineering team determines the meshingIn this case, a combination of meshes with elements is performed shell (2D), hexahedrons (3D) and tetrahedrons (3D) depending on the system component. The following are defined: material characteristics with the module of Young, elastic limit, breaking stress, breaking elongation, elastoplastic behavior…

After completing the mesh and defining the material, the boundary conditions are set: embedded points, points with displacement in one of the axes, typology of the unions between the different elements… Afterwards are specified loads to be applied; in this case, self-weight and external forces.

In this project, the following have been carried out: 4 essays applying different loads at different points and with different angles of action. All of this is introduced into the program of simulation, in this case ABAQUS, to obtain the results with the values of stresses and displacements.

Finally, a report is drawn up detailed report with the conclusions and recommendations obtained after the analysis of the results; in addition to the corresponding graphs, tables of values, etc. Finally, the results are shared with the client in a meeting where the Téciman engineering team also provides a series of recommendations and possible future actions.

We add this success of the area of Design and Simulation to the wide range of engineering projects managed and developed by Téciman. For more information about our capabilities and experiences, contact us through the Téciman website ( by phone at 947209141.

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