Challenge: Detect the root cause of a manufacturing problem in less than 48 hours


Challenge: Detect the root cause of a manufacturing problem in less than 48 hours

In the automotive sector, every minute countsA pause in production can result in major economic and logistical losses.

Recently, one of our clients was faced with a Critical problem in parts manufacturing which put their entire operations at risk. Without a quick and effective solution, their production line would be stopped.

The challenge? Solve it in less than 48 hours. And we did it.


Against the clock

The client was against the clock and I couldn't find the reason for the failure in manufacturing. In addition, there were other projects to attend to and there was not enough staff available to cover all of them.


Step 1: Immediate response

Time was of the essence. Given the client's urgency, Our team moved immediately to its facilities to conduct a thorough analysis of the situation.

The speed of response was key to minimize the impact of the problem.


Step 2: Identifying the problem

After a detailed study, we found the cause of the failure: the measurement ranges had not been made with the CAD definition at the last level, but on the plans of the previous reference. This information gap was generating errors in manufacturing.


Step 3: Implementing the Solution

Once the problem has been identified, our technicians manage the correct CAD definitions and they remake the program of MetrologX4. They carry out the measurements of the new parts and provide the report to the client obtaining approval.


The result: Production without pauses

Thanks to our rapid and effective intervention, the client was able to continue manufacturing without interruptions, avoiding delays and guaranteeing the quality of the final product.

He also entrusts us with the Review of all measurement ranges ensuring that they correspond to the correct CAD definitions.



3D Measurement is a trend in the automotive sector

We are currently conducting a large number of Measurements and Reports in the sector. Especially in rubber or flexible parts, whose measurement is complex due to deformation.


Metrology Laboratory

Our Metrology Laboratories are equipped with Coordinate Measuring Machines and probing or scanning systems state-of-the-art, capable of measuring any part and material according to the client's needs.

We have a team of expert metrologists in the measurement of parts, assemblies, moulds and tools in various materials and manufacturing processes. In addition, we act as a calibration laboratory for our clients, guaranteeing the metrological traceability of their standards using calibrated equipment with ENAC accreditation.

Measurement services in our laboratory

  • Measurement and maintenance of tools
  • Mold measurement
  • Product measurement through color maps, CAD comparisons and measurement reports
  • Measurement and maintenance of control models
  • MMC programming
  • Running programs (PCDMIS, Polyworks, TouchDMIS, MCOSMOS, Metrolog X4…)
  • 3D Scanning


In-situ measurement

We travel to the client's facilities, avoiding unnecessary transfers of parts and reducing downtime. We have advanced equipment to ensure accurate and efficient measurements in any environment.

We handle a wide range of software (PCDmis, Metrolog, PolyWorks, TouchDMIS, Calypso, Mcosmos, Calygo…) and measuring equipment (Zeiss, Hexagon, Mitutoyo, Coord3, Wenzel, Stiefelmayer…).

Measurement services

  • Product measurement
  • Measurement during assembly and adjustment
  • Mold measurement
  • Measurement of large equipment
  • Big surfaces
  • 3D Scanning


For more information about our capabilities call us at 947 20 91 41 or send us an email to Follow us on LinkedIn to find out all the news.

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